Monday, October 17, 2011

Glued up hull

(You'll have to pardon the last couple posts. Our email system tends to mess things up frequently. Unfortunately I can't get online to fix it either! So here's the text that was supposed to go with the pix)
I managed to get a really good amount done on Shan Skailyn yesterday. All three hull pieces are now glued up, including the bottom panels. I filleted all around the watertight bulkheads. I installed both false stem pieces. Then on one of the end hull sections I managed to sink all the bronze nail heads, fill with epoxy paste, shape the stem (probably will need to work it a bit more so it's not so rectangular looking), sand down excess filling over the nail heads and put a 1/4" round over all around the bottom for when I eventually glass the bottom. Oh yeah, I also put a couple quick, heavy coats of varnish on the inside of the watertight compartment. And one more thing, I made the pattern for the covering over the watertight compartment. WHEW!
I still need to put all the sections together and fair it up, but if my dry fit test was any indication there shouldn't be much that needs to happen there. Unfortunately that will probably just have to wait till next weekend. I'm just out of time this weekend.
I'm quite pleased with how it's all coming together. Unbelievable how much work all this is! But it's going to be so much fun to take the family out on over the years when we're out in town on our breaks.
In other news, we found out recently that we're getting a surprise visit by the stork sometime late April! Our fourth child! Pretty exciting stuff! It does mean a change of plans though. Since Shannon has complicated pregnancies and deliveries and since here in Papua New Guinea there really aren't adequate medical facilities to handle things, we're going to be returning back to the states sometime early next year for about 4 months to have the baby. Not sure what this will do to Shan Skailyn's maiden voyage, but I'm sure it will knock it back a little bit. Anyway, there will be a pause in my posting about that time.

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