Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My coast... Rai Coast

Left the coastal town of Madang yesterday. Flew up to Goroka, in the highlands. The flight in our little cessna 206 took us by the path of Shan Skailyn's intended maiden voyage. I fly over this area somewhat frequently. Anymore I'm looking for where the villages are where we might find a place to stay overnight should the trip require it. Lots of little villages along the way. Culturally here, people are very hospitable and I have no doubt that it would be easy for us to find places to bed up for the night.
Anyway, I took the opportunity to photograph the longest length of the coast (which is called 'Rai Coast') which I'm hoping to sail one day, if and when I can finish building Shan Skailyn.
BTW, where my family and I live is out toward the horizon in the first picture. From the coast out there, go up up up into the steep mountains. We're so high up in the mountains that our weather is actually cool most of the time. Imagine that in a country known for it's HOT tropical climate. It's total bush out there too. No roads. No airstrips. Only way in our out is by helicopter or a loooooong treacherous hike! That's where most of Shan Skailyn's construction is going to happen over the next year or so.
The last picture is typical of the many islands and tons of coral found in these crystal blue waters around Madang, Papua New Guinea. Often times the coral is just a couple feet under the surface of the water, full of color and life. Sweet! Can't wait to be cruising these areas in my own sailing outrigger someday!

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