Monday, November 28, 2011

Get 'yer primer on

Didn't have a lot of time to work on Shan Skailyn this weekend. BUT, I did manage to get the first two coats of primer on the aft section of the hull. In preparation for painting I had some little details to finish out, which I did. The leeboard mounting bracket is on and the holes are drilled, the mast step is located and fastened in place (pix forthcoming). At this point, other than some more sanding and scraping I'm ready to really push forward with painting everything.
Had a major disappointment yesterday afternoon when I put the second coat of primer on (planning 4 coats of primer by the way). Not 10 minutes after I had applied the second coat and things were looking really nice, a HUGE storm blew in. The rain was extreme and the wind as well. It managed to blow both rain and mud all the way underneath my house, soaking a bunch of my plywood and my freshly painted hull. Not only was the new paint now diluted and dripping down the sides, but the paint that remained had lots of junk embedded in it! Ughhh! As of this morning, not a huge deal. Everything dried OK and after taking a scraper gently over the affected surface and a quick touch up with sandpaper we're sitting at a nice 1-1/2 coats of primer on this hull section.
Also, up till this point I've not been super happy with any of the bamboo that I've had available for my spars. One of my friends mentioned a piece he'd cut recently which sounded like it'd work. He brought that up on Friday. It's a keeper! The dimensions at the base and head are just right. It's got a nice taper. It's thick walled and has an ever so slight curve up toward the head. So we got all the skin scraped off and I'm currently drying it. Also drilled some teeny tiny little holes just above all the lower nodes to drain out the water that collects in there and slows down the drying process.

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